Art therapy for highly sensitive & sensitive people ...

... is a way to promote well-being, express, solve, and approach problems in a playful manner. 

The medium of art helps overcome barriers and promotes personal growth. Children and adults gain direct access to their feelings, desires, as well as their wishes and problems. Together, we face inner images with the help of colors, make them visible, and boldly confront even uncomfortable topics.

No special knowledge or talent in the artistic field is required to work with me.

Art therapy helps you as a (highly-)sensitive person ...

... to give space to your intense emotions
... to stop the thought carousel
... to experience a sense of safety
... to reduce stress & realign your focus
... to manage restlessness or concentration difficulties
... to feel more ease & gain new courage
... to unleash your creativity, strengths & potential

There are turning points, crises, and obstacles in life that are often difficult to overcome without help. Art therapy helps make our subconscious visible and creates new perspectives on current issues.

I offer guidance on the following topics:

  • Exploring & accepting your High sensitivity/Sensitivity
  • Difficulties in social interactions/social withdrawal
  • Anxiety, overwhelm, & other intense emotions
  • Major life changes or crises
  • Communication difficulties
  • Traumatic experiences
  • Low self-esteem
  • Grief & separation

About me.

My name is Christina Putz, and I have been an enthusiastic drawer since I was able to hold a pencil. In my youth, painting was added to my creative pursuits. Even back then, I experienced firsthand the healing power that is released through the simple expression of colors and shapes. My heart beats for the playful and creative potential within us. With the help of creative tools, I aim to awaken, make visible, and nurture this potential.

Through my calm, highly sensitive nature and my empathy, I create an environment in which people can feel safe and secure, allowing them to explore their inner selves and get to know and understand themselves in new ways.

It is my heartfelt wish to dedicate myself to the care and support of (highly-)sensitive and empathetic adults, especially highly sensitive women, and to help them access their individual expression of feelings, thoughts, concerns, and dreams through the medium of art.

Education & Practice.

  • since 2023 Individual Support in Disability Assistance & Art Therapist at ÖHTB in Vienna
  • since 2022 Art Therapist in Private Practice in vienna & online
  • 2021-2023 Substitute Educational Assistant & Children's Group Worker in Vienna
  • 2019-2020 Children's Entertainer at Schlaraffenland Kids in Vienna
  • 2019-2020 Creative Facilitator & Art Therapist for Seniors at Fonds Soziales Wien
  • 2018 Art Therapy Internship at Otto Wagner Spital in Vienna
  • 2020-2024 Volunteer Work at Kinderkunst in Vienna
  • 2018-2019 Volunteer Work as an Art Therapist & Learning Assistant bei Wiener Lerntafel Simmering in Vienna
  • since 2024 Expert in High Sensitivity (in training) in Vienna
  • 2023 Further Education: Bodily Experience as a Source of Creative Expression
  • 2022 Further Education: Reggio Pedagogy - Aesthetics and Perception
  • 2021 Training as a Children's Group Worker & Childcare Provider in Vienna
  • 2016-2019 Master's Degree in Art Therapy at Sigmund Freud Privatuniversität in Vienna
  • 2015-2016 BFI Course - Commercial Insurance Clerk in Bad Ischl/Linz
  • 2006-2012 Training as a Graphic & Communication Designer in Linz

About working with me.

"I really enjoy painting, and it helps me reconnect with myself and my feelings. Even when the feelings are often negative, I gain much more clarity through painting, and each problem feels a bit lighter after I paint."

about “Painting for (Highly-)Sensitive People”

"I am very glad I took the step to attend the meeting. The come together was very inspiring and enriching for me, and it felt good to be understood and to connect with people who resonate and feel in a similar way."

about “Come togehter for (Highly-)Sensitive People”

"Christina's courses are characterized by a lot of appreciation and encouragement. Everything is allowed – there is no right or wrong. The impulses are gentle and clear – and at any time, something entirely different can unfold. A calm atmosphere of safety is created – and this is even online.

For highly sensitive people, it is a blessing to paint in such a protected, small setting – or to work on the painting journeys at their own pace and within their own frame."

about “Painting for (Highly-)Sensitive People & Creative Journeys”

My offers.


Individual session

60 min: € 90,-
90 min: € 110,-
5-session package (60 min): € 440,-


Kids group setting

60 min: € 40,-
5-session package (60 min): € 195,-


Adult group setting

90 min: € 40,-
120 min: € 45,-
5-session package (90 min): € 195,-

The initial consultation is non-binding and serves as an opportunity to get to know each other and clarify expectations for therapy or creative guidance. I offer the sessions in 60-minute and 90-minute formats.




Available for booking in the settings:E+

Art therapy

60 min/90 min, online & in Vienna

In one-on-one sessions, you can explore and express your innermost self through the medium of art, empowering you to face current concerns, challenges, or issues with renewed courage.

This visual approach helps you gain fresh perspectives on present challenges and discover new tools for addressing them.

Available for booking in the settings:1

Come together for (Highly-)Sensitive People

(H)SP Talking circle with creative impulses, 120 min, in Vienna

Highly sensitive and sensitive individuals come together to exchange ideas, network, and grow through their challenges and successes. 

Available for booking in the settings:E+

Creative Guidance

60 min/90 min, online & in Vienna

In one-on-one sessions, you can experience your creative power. The focus here is primarily on experimenting with different materials, colors, and techniques.

Discover the creative medium, connect with your playful side, and learn new things about yourself.

Available for booking in the settings:1E+

Painting for (Highly-)Sensitive People

Strengthen your resources through painting, 90 min, online & in Vienna

I will show you new ways to harness your creative power to respond more resiliently in crises and difficult situations.

With the help of 2 to 3 exercises from art therapy, the messages of your subconscious will be made visible.

Available for booking in the settings:E+

Writing for (Highly-)Sensitive People

Strengthen your resources through writing, 90 min, online

I show you new ways to harness your creative power through writing to respond more resiliently in crises and difficult situations.

With the help of 2 to 3 exercises from art therapy, the messages of your subconscious will be made visible.

Available for booking in the settings:E+

Painted Rauhnächte

(H)SP Creative journey, Work PDF, at your home

Through painting exercises and creative prompts, you will focus on the themes of the Rauhnächte, letting go of the old and inviting the new into your life.

Experience your self-efficacy and the power of your creative energy from the comfort of your own home.

Only available in german.

Available for booking in the settings:1

I look forward to our meeting!

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